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Quickstart: Build a decentralized app (Solidity)

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This quickstart is for web developers who want to start building decentralized applications (dApps) using . It makes no assumptions about your prior experience with Ethereum, Arbitrum, or Solidity. Familiarity with Javascript and yarn is expected. If you're new to Ethereum, consider studying the Ethereum documentation before proceeding.

What we'll learn

In this tutorial we will learn:

  1. The basics of Ethereum vs. client/server architecture
  2. What is a Solidity smart contract
  3. How to compile and deploy a smart contract
  4. How to use an Ethereum wallet

We're going to build a digital cupcake vending machine using Solidity smart contracts1. This vending machine will follow two rules:

  1. The vending machine will distribute a cupcake to anyone who hasn't recently received one.
  2. The vending machine's rules can't be changed by anyone.

Here's the vending machine implemented with Javascript. To use it, enter a name in the form below and press the 'Cupcake please!' button, you should see your cupcake balance go up.

Free Cupcakes

web2Refresh balance🧁

Cupcake balance:0 (no name)

We can assume that this vending machine operates as we expect, but it's largely up to the centralized service provider that hosts it. In the case of a compromised cloud host:

  1. Our centralized service provider can deny access to particular users.
  2. A malicious actor can change the rules of the vending machine at any time, for example, to give their friends extra cupcakes.

Centralized third-party intermediaries represent a single point of failure that malicious actors can exploit. With a blockchain infrastructure such as Ethereum, we decentralize our vending machine's business logic and data, making this type of exploits nearly impossible.

This is Arbitrum's core value proposition to you, dear developer. Arbitrum makes it easy for you to deploy your vending machines to Ethereum's permissionless, , decentralized network of nodes2 while keeping costs low for you and your users.

Let's implement the "Web3" version of the above vending machine using Arbitrum.


VS Code

VS Code is the IDE we'll use to build our vending machine. See to install.

Web3 wallet

We will use Metamask as the to interact with our vending machine. See and click View MetaMask Web or OKX Wallet and click Connect Wallet to install.


Yarn is the package manager we'll use to install dependencies. See to install.


Foundry is the toolchain we'll use to compile and deploy our smart contract. See to install.

We'll address any remaining dependencies as we go.

Ethereum and Arbitrum in a nutshell

  • Ethereum
    • Ethereum is a decentralized network of nodes that use Ethereum's client software (like Offchain's Prysm to maintain a public data structure.
    • The data within Ethereum's blockchain data structure changes one transaction at a time.
    • are small programs that execute transactions according to predefined rules. Ethereum's nodes host and execute smart contracts.
    • You can use smart contracts to build decentralized apps (dApps) that use Ethereum's network to process transactions and store data. Think of smart contracts as your dApp's backend
    • DApps let users carry their data and identity between applications without trusting centralized service providers.
    • People who run Ethereum validator nodes3 can earn $ETH for processing and validating transactions on behalf of users and dApps.
    • These transactions can be expensive when the network is under heavy load.
  • Arbitrum
    • Arbitrum is a suite of child chain scaling solutions for dApp developers.
    • is a child chain that implements the .
    • You can use Arbitrum One to build user-friendly dApps with high throughput, low latency, and low transaction costs while inheriting Ethereum's high-security standards4.

Review the Javascript vending machine

Here's the vending machine implemented as a Javascript class:

class VendingMachine {
// state variables = internal memory of the vending machine
cupcakeBalances = {};
cupcakeDistributionTimes = {};

// Vend a cupcake to the caller
giveCupcakeTo(userId) {
if (this.cupcakeDistributionTimes[userId] === undefined) {
this.cupcakeBalances[userId] = 0;
this.cupcakeDistributionTimes[userId] = 0;

// Rule 1: The vending machine will distribute a cupcake to anyone who hasn't recently received one.
const fiveSeconds = 5000;
const userCanReceiveCupcake = this.cupcakeDistributionTimes[userId] + fiveSeconds <=;
if (userCanReceiveCupcake) {
this.cupcakeDistributionTimes[userId] =;
console.log(`Enjoy your cupcake, ${userId}!`);
return true;
} else {
'HTTP 429: Too Many Cupcakes (you must wait at least 5 seconds between cupcakes)',
return false;

getCupcakeBalanceFor(userId) {
return this.cupcakeBalances[userId];

The VendingMachine class uses state variables and functions to implement predefined rules. This implementation is useful because it automates cupcake distribution, but there's a problem: it's hosted by a centralized server controlled by a third-party service provider.

Let's decentralize our vending machine's business logic and data by porting the above JavaScript implementation into a Solidity smart contract.

Review the Solidity vending machine

Here is a Solidity implementation of the vending machine. Solidity is a language that compiles to EVM bytecode. This means that it is deployable to any Ethereum-compatible blockchain, including Ethereum mainnet, , and .

// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// Specify the Solidity compiler version - this contract requires version 0.8.9 or higher
pragma solidity ^0.8.9;

// Define a smart contract named VendingMachine
// Unlike regular classes, once deployed, this contract's code cannot be modified
// This ensures that the vending machine's rules remain constant and trustworthy
contract VendingMachine {
// State variables are permanently stored in blockchain storage
// These mappings associate Ethereum addresses with unsigned integers
// The 'private' keyword means these variables can only be accessed from within this contract
mapping(address => uint) private _cupcakeBalances; // Tracks how many cupcakes each address owns
mapping(address => uint) private _cupcakeDistributionTimes; // Tracks when each address last received a cupcake

// Function to give a cupcake to a specified address
// 'public' means this function can be called by anyone
// 'returns (bool)' specifies that the function returns a boolean value
function giveCupcakeTo(address userAddress) public returns (bool) {
// Initialize first-time users
// In Solidity, uninitialized values default to 0, so this check isn't strictly necessary
// but is included to mirror the JavaScript implementation
if (_cupcakeDistributionTimes[userAddress] == 0) {
_cupcakeBalances[userAddress] = 0;
_cupcakeDistributionTimes[userAddress] = 0;

// Calculate when the user is eligible for their next cupcake
// 'seconds' is a built-in time unit in Solidity
// 'block.timestamp' gives us the current time in seconds since Unix epoch
uint fiveSecondsFromLastDistribution = _cupcakeDistributionTimes[userAddress] + 5 seconds;
bool userCanReceiveCupcake = fiveSecondsFromLastDistribution <= block.timestamp;

if (userCanReceiveCupcake) {
// If enough time has passed, give them a cupcake and update their last distribution time
_cupcakeDistributionTimes[userAddress] = block.timestamp;
return true;
} else {
// If not enough time has passed, revert the transaction with an error message
// 'revert' cancels the transaction and returns the error message to the user
revert("HTTP 429: Too Many Cupcakes (you must wait at least 5 seconds between cupcakes)");

// Function to check how many cupcakes an address owns
// 'public' means anyone can call this function
// 'view' means this function only reads data and doesn't modify state
// This makes it free to call (no gas cost) when called externally
function getCupcakeBalanceFor(address userAddress) public view returns (uint) {
return _cupcakeBalances[userAddress];

Compile your smart contract with Remix

Smart contracts need to be compiled to bytecode to be stored and executed on-chain by the EVM; we'll use Remix to do that.

Remix is a browser-based IDE for EVM development. There are other IDEs to choose from (Foundry, Hardhat), but Remix doesn't require any local environment setup, so we'll choose it for this tutorial.

Let's first add our smart contract to Remix following these steps:

1. Load Remix:

2. Create a blank workspace in Remix:

File explorer > Workspaces > Create blank

3. Copy your vending machine contract

4. Paste your contract in Remix

File explorer > New file

5. Compile your contract in Remix

Select vending machine contract > Click compile menu > Compile

Deploy the smart contract to a local Ethereum chain

Once a smart contract gets compiled, it is deployable to a blockchain. The safest way to do this is to deploy it to a locally hosted chain, where you can test and debug your contract before deploying it to a public chain.

To deploy our VendingMachine smart contract locally, we will:

  1. Run Foundry's local Ethereum node in a terminal window
  2. Configure a wallet so we can interact with our smart contract after deployment (1)
  3. Deploy our smart contract to (1)'s node using Remix

Run a local chain

Here, we'll use Foundry's anvil to run a local Ethereum network and node.

curl -L | bash && anvil
Once you've run the above commands, you should see a prompt showing what test accounts automatically were generated for you and other infos about your local Anvil testnet.
                            (_) | |
__ _ _ __ __ __ _ | |
/ _` | | '_ \ \ \ / / | | | |
| (_| | | | | | \ V / | | | |
\__,_| |_| |_| \_/ |_| |_|

0.2.0 (7f0f5b4 2024-08-08T00:19:07.020431000Z)

# Available Accounts

(0) 0xf39Fd6e51aad88F6F4ce6aB8827279cffFb92266 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(1) 0x70997970C51812dc3A010C7d01b50e0d17dc79C8 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(2) 0x3C44CdDdB6a900fa2b585dd299e03d12FA4293BC (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(3) 0x90F79bf6EB2c4f870365E785982E1f101E93b906 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(4) 0x15d34AAf54267DB7D7c367839AAf71A00a2C6A65 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(5) 0x9965507D1a55bcC2695C58ba16FB37d819B0A4dc (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(6) 0x976EA74026E726554dB657fA54763abd0C3a0aa9 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(7) 0x14dC79964da2C08b23698B3D3cc7Ca32193d9955 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(8) 0x23618e81E3f5cdF7f54C3d65f7FBc0aBf5B21E8f (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)
(9) 0xa0Ee7A142d267C1f36714E4a8F75612F20a79720 (10000.000000000000000000 ETH)

# Private Keys

(0) 0xac0974bec39a17e36ba4a6b4d238ff944bacb478cbed5efcae784d7bf4f2ff80
(1) 0x59c6995e998f97a5a0044966f0945389dc9e86dae88c7a8412f4603b6b78690d
(2) 0x5de4111afa1a4b94908f83103eb1f1706367c2e68ca870fc3fb9a804cdab365a
(3) 0x7c852118294e51e653712a81e05800f419141751be58f605c371e15141b007a6
(4) 0x47e179ec197488593b187f80a00eb0da91f1b9d0b13f8733639f19c30a34926a
(5) 0x8b3a350cf5c34c9194ca85829a2df0ec3153be0318b5e2d3348e872092edffba
(6) 0x92db14e403b83dfe3df233f83dfa3a0d7096f21ca9b0d6d6b8d88b2b4ec1564e
(7) 0x4bbbf85ce3377467afe5d46f804f221813b2bb87f24d81f60f1fcdbf7cbf4356
(8) 0xdbda1821b80551c9d65939329250298aa3472ba22feea921c0cf5d620ea67b97
(9) 0x2a871d0798f97d79848a013d4936a73bf4cc922c825d33c1cf7073dff6d409c6

# Wallet

Mnemonic: test test test test test test test test test test test junk
Derivation path: m/44'/60'/0'/0/

# Chain ID


Configure Metamask

Next, open Metamask and create or import a wallet by following the displayed instructions.

By default, Metamask will connect to Ethereum's mainnet. To connect to our local "testnet," enable test networks for Metamask by clicking Show/hide test networks.

Next, click Metamask's network selector dropdown and click the Add Network button. Click "Add a network manually" and then provide the following information:

  • Network Name: localhost
  • New RPC URL:
  • Chain ID: 31337
  • Currency Symbol: ETH
Add Localhost 8545 to Metamask

Your wallet won't have a balance on your local testnet's node, but we can import one of the test accounts into Metamask to access to 10,000 testnet $ETH. Copy the private key of one of the test accounts (it works with or without the 0x prefix, so e.g., 0xac0..f80 or ac0..f80) and import it into Metamask. Metamask will ask you if you want to connect this new account to Remix, to which you should answer "yes":

Connect Metamask to Localhost 8545
Never share your private keys

Your Ethereum Mainnet wallet's private key is the password to all of your money. Never share it with anyone; avoid copying it to your clipboard.

Note that in the context of this quickstart, "account" refers to a public wallet address and its associated private key5.

You should see a balance of 10,000 $ETH. Keep your private key handy; we'll use it again shortly.

As we interact with our cupcake vending machine, we'll use Metamask's network selector dropdown to choose which network our cupcake transactions get sent to. We'll leave the network set to Localhost 8545 for now.

Connect Remix to Metamask

In the last step, we'll connect Remix to Metamask so we can deploy our smart contract to the local chain using Remix.

Connect remix to Metamask

At this point, we're ready to deploy our smart contract to any chain we want.

Deploy the smart contract to your local chain

  • In MetaMask, ensure that the Localhost network is selected.
  • In Remix, deploy the VendingMachine contract to the Localhost network, then go to the "Deploy & Run Transactions" tab and click "Deploy."
Deploy the VendingMachine contract to the Localhost network

Then copy and paste your contract address below and click Get cupcake!. A prompt should ask you to sign a transaction that gives you a cupcake.

Free Cupcakes

web3-localhostRefresh balance🧁

Cupcake balance:0 (no name)

What's going on, here?

Our first VendingMachine is labeled Web2 because it demonstrates traditional client-server web application architecture: the back-end lives in a centralized network of servers.

Architecture diagram

The Web3 architecture is similar to the Web2 architecture, with one key difference: with the Web3 version, business logic and data are hosted by decentralized network of nodes**

Let's take a closer look at the differences between our VendingMachine implementations:

(the first one)
(the latest one)
(the next one)
(the final one)
Data (cupcakes)Stored only in your browser. (Usually, stored by centralized infrastructure.)Stored on your device in an emulated Ethereum network (via smart contract).Stored on Ethereum's decentralized test network (via smart contract).Stored on Ethereum's decentralized mainnet network (via smart contract).
Logic (vending)Served from Offchain's servers. Executed by your browser.Stored and executed by your locally emulated Ethereum network (via smart contract).Stored and executed by Arbitrum's decentralized test network (via smart contract).Stored and executed by Arbitrum's decentralized mainnet network (via smart contract).
Presentation (UI)Served from Offchain's servers. Rendered and executed by your browser.← same← same← same
MoneyDevs and users pay centralized service providers for server access using fiat currency.← same, but only for the presentation-layer concerns (code that supports frontend UI/UX).← same, but devs and users pay testnet $ETH to testnet validators.← same, but instead of testnet ETH,theyusemainnetETH, they use **mainnet ETH**.

So far, we've deployed our Web3 app to an emulated blockchain (Anvil), which is a normal step in EVM development.

Next, we'll deploy our smart contract to a network of real nodes: Arbitrum's Sepolia testnet.

Deploy the smart contract to the Arbitrum Sepolia testnet

We were able to deploy to a testnet for free because we were using Remix' built-in network, but now we'll deploy our contract to Arbitrum's Sepolia testnet. Sepolia is powered by a network of nodes ran across the world by various participants, we'll need to compensate them with a small transaction fee in order to deploy our smart contract.

To be able to pay the transaction fee, we will:

  • Use our MetaMask crypto wallet
  • Obtain some Arbitrum Sepolia testnet's token called $ETH.

Click Metamask's network selector dropdown, and then click the Add Network button. Click "Add a network manually" and then provide the following information:

  • Network Name: Arbitrum Sepolia
  • New RPC URL:
  • Chain ID: 421614
  • Currency Symbol: $ETH

As we interact with the cupcake vending machine, we'll use Metamask's network selector dropdown to determine which network our cupcake transactions are sent to.

Next, let's deposit some $ETH into the wallet corresponding to the private key we added to Remix. At the time of this quickstart's writing, the easiest way to acquire $ETH is to bridge Sepolia $ETH from Ethereum's parent chain Sepolia network to Arbitrum's child chain Sepolia network:

  1. Use a parent chain Sepolia $ETH faucet like to acquire some testnet $ETH on parent chain Sepolia.
  2. Bridge your parent chain Sepolia $ETH into Arbitrum child chain using the Arbitrum bridge.

Once you've acquired some $ETH, you'll be able to deploy your smart contract to Arbitrum's Sepolia testnet by issuing the following command:

This tells remix to deploy the compiled smart contract through the RPC endpoint corresponding to Arbitrum Sepolia in MetaMask (MetaMask uses INFURA's nodes as endpoints)

Congratulations! You've just deployed business logic and data to Arbitrum Sepolia. This logic and data will be hashed and submitted within a transaction to Ethereum's parent chian Sepolia network, and then it will be mirrored across all nodes in the Sepolia network6.

To view your smart contract in a blockchain explorer, visit, but replace the 0x...B3 part of the URL with the full address of your deployed smart contract.

Select Arbitrum Sepolia from Metamask's dropdown, paste your contract address into the VendingMachine below, and click Get cupcake!. You should be prompted to sign a transaction that gives you a cupcake.

Free Cupcakes

web3-arb-sepoliaRefresh balance🧁

Cupcake balance:0 (no name)

The final step is deploying our Cupcake machine to a production network, such as Ethereum, Arbitrum One, or Arbitrum Nitro. The good news is: deploying a smart contract in production is exactly the same as for Sepolia Testnet. The harder news: it will cost real money, this time. If you deploy on Ethereum, the fees can be significant and the transaction confirmation time 12 seconds on average. Arbitrum, a child chain, reduces these costs about 10X and a confirmation time in the same order while maintaining a similar level of security and decentralization.


In this quickstart, we:

  • Identified two business rules: 1) fair and permissionless cupcake distribution 2) immutable business logic and data.
  • Identified a challenge: These rules are difficult to follow in a centralized application.
  • Identified a solution: Using Arbitrum, we can decentralize business logic and data.
  • Converted a vending machine's Javascript business logic into a Solidity smart contract.
  • Deployed our smart contract to a local development network, and then Arbitrum's Sepolia testnet.

If you have any questions or feedback, reach out to us on Discord and/or click the Request an update button at the top of this page - we're listening!

Learning resources

Official Solidity documentationOfficial documentation for Solidity programming language
Solidity by exampleLearn Solidity patterns via a series of classic examples
Upgrading Ethereum (e-book)Guide on upgrading Ethereum
EthernautInteractive smart contract hacking game
RareSkillsRust programming course for blockchain development
CryptoZombiesFree online smart contract courses and tutorials
LearnWeb3Web3 education platform with interactive lessons and projects
HackQuestWeb3 hackathon and project-based learning platform
Rise InSolidity bootcamp for beginners
Encode ClubCommunity-driven coding club with a focus on web3 development
MetanaMetana is not mentioned in the resources, please provide more information about this resource.
Alchemy UniversityOnline education platform for blockchain and web3 development courses


  1. The vending machine example was inspired by's "Introduction to Smart Contracts", which was inspired by Nick Szabo's "From vending machines to smart contracts".

  2. Although application front-ends are usually hosted by centralized services, smart contracts allow the underlying logic and data to be partially or fully decentralized. These smart contracts are hosted and executed by Ethereum's public, decentralized network of nodes. Arbitrum has its own network of nodes that use advanced cryptography techniques to "batch process" Ethereum transactions and then submit them to the Ethereum parent chain, which significantly reduces the cost of using Ethereum. All without requiring developers to compromise on security or decentralization.

  3. There are multiple types of Ethereum nodes. The ones that earn $ETH for processing and validating transactions are called validators. See Nodes and Networks for a beginner-friendly introduction to Ethereum's node types.

  4. When our VendingMachine contract is deployed to Ethereum, it'll be hosted by Ethereum's decentralized network of nodes. Generally speaking, we won't be able to modify the contract's code after it's deployed.

  5. To learn more about how Ethereum wallets work, see's introduction to Ethereum wallets.

  6. Visit the Gentle Introduction to Arbitrum for a beginner-friendly introduction to Arbitrum's Rollup protocol.